Mind reading may not be possible (yet) but researchers found a way to manipulate your brain using magnetism. Electromagnetic fields are produced by electrically charged particles and are, like gravity, one of the fundamental forces of nature. Because of their electrical charge, electromagnetic fields can affect other charged objects nearby, such as neurons in your brain. With the combined characteristics of an electric field and a magnetic field, this natural phenomenon can have interesting effects on the human brain. Some scientists have experimented with magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields of varying strength to study how the brain is affected. Here are some of their results:

Treating Depression

An electromagnetic device placed on your head can alter your brain’s activity in different regions. The device, which is used for transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS, functions to treat depression by reducing the activity of certain neurotransmitters responsible for depression. Through magnetic pulses, it delivers bursts of energy to parts of the brain involved in mood regulation. This treatment method is still evolving, but many believe the results are promising.

Altering Morality

It seems your moral compass is just like a real compass and can be impaired by magnetism. Researchers at MIT were able to use magnetic fields to manipulate the moral judgements of subjects during their study. The scientists applied a magnetic force to the scalp near the part of the brain active when trying to deduce another person’s intentions. The influence of the magnetic field disrupted their judgement abilities.

Affecting Speech

During this experiment, a researcher used a TMS device to impair the subject’s speech. While moving the device around the subject’s scalp, it emitted powerful magnetic pulses. Eventually, it reached the part of the brain called Broca’s area and the subject stuttered and struggled for words. Among the numerous uses of magnets, magnetic fields and how they influence your brain is intriguing. While magnetic pulses can impair a healthy brain, researchers believe they can help treat an unhealthy brain. Or at least a brain that might benefit from rewiring. Magnetic treatment for your brain is a substitute for electroconvulsive therapy which doesn’t always work and can be dangerous. Whether magnetic stimulation can enhance your cognitive ability in addition to healing it is highly debated. Do you think magnetic fields could enhance your creativity?