Military missile guidance encapsulates a variety of methods, but one thing remains the same –– target accuracy dictates effectiveness. If you miss your target, that can lead to chaos, unnecessary violence, and even civilian casualties. Historically, this has been a devastating issue, so the most accurate methods are highly sought after.  Today, the military uses infrared-guided technology –– electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light –– to guide missiles through the air and lead them directly to their target. These systems typically consist of an infrared seeker, a computer, and an actuator.  The infrared seeker, perhaps the most important element, is used for tracking, measurement, and heat detection/collection. As the “provider” of the magnetic field, infrared-guided missile magnets –– also referred to as primary mirror magnets –– impact the quality of the seeker.  Guided Missiles Guided missiles are powered by jet propulsion of rocket engines, and they have the ability to change course in midair based on where they are magnetically led. One widely recognized system that uses infrared is called the FIM-92 Stinger, operational since 1981. The gyro-rotor of the infrared seeker in a system like the Stinger is another crucial part of the weapon. To achieve high accuracy, it should have low power consumption and high stability, and to do so, magnetic support is often used. This means the weight of suspension and load can be balanced by the ponderomotive force –– nonlinear force that a charged particle experiences in an inhomogeneous oscillating electromagnetic field. Apex Magnets  There’s no doubt that magnetic guidance systems have improved the accuracy of military missiles, acting as a sort of compass for the weapon to navigate its path. These systems are all thanks to rare earth elements (REE), which also make up the small permanent magnets inside our smartphones and electric vehicles.  While we don’t offer electromagnetics, we do know and sell rare earth magnets. There’s a lot to understand before making a purchase, so if you have any questions about the complicated nature of magnetic technology, give us a call at 1-304-257-1193.