Easter is here and that means it’s egg painting time! This year, you can plan something that’s fun and educational with a magnetic Easter egg hunt. Learning doesn’t have to end with school, and using magnets in your crafts and projects will both excite and teach your family at the same time. 


  • Plastic Easter eggs
  • Colorful bowls
  • Clear plastic bin
  • Shredded crinkle paper filler
  • Ceramic magnets
  • Magnetic wands (available on Amazon)


  1. Spread out the shredded crinkle paper into the clear bin.
  2. Place a magnet into each plastic egg. Be sure to add enough so that the magnetic wands can easily pick the eggs up (about 2 to 3 magnets.
  3. Hide the eggs in the shredded paper.
  4. Hand your child a magnetic wand. These are easy to find online (e.g. Amazon.com).
  5. Help them hunt for the eggs!
  6. To make it more of a learning experience, you can find different types of small magnetic objects such as Canadian coins, small fridge magnets, and more–then help them sort the objects by type, shape, size, and color.

Start Your Next DIY Project with Apex Magnets

For more magnetic inspiration, visit our blog, and keep an eye on our magnet crafts section for more projects and ideas. Do you have a fun magnetic project or home hack? We love seeing your magnetic creations—share your DIY projects with us on our Facebook page!