Learning more about Mars has been one of NASA’s top priorities over the last several years. One of their newest discoveries, thanks to NASA’s InSight Lander, indicates that Mars’ magnetism is much stronger than previously anticipated.  What’s Been Found The InSight Lander touched down over a year ago on Mars’ Elysium Planitia. By using a magnetometer for measurements, NASA found that Mars’ surface magnetism is 10x larger than expected compared to previous magnetic calculations from Mars’ orbit. For the first time, researchers were also able to view a glimpse into Mars’ ancient past at a shallow crater nicknamed ‘Homestead Hollow.’ During this viewing, magnetic pulses and hints of much stronger magnetic fields were picked up. Once measured, the surface fields were made up of magnetized rocks 200 feet (or more) below ground.  What it Means These findings are the first step into a better understanding of Mars’ ancient interior. We know that Mars doesn’t have a magnetic field today, but we also now know that it did 4 billion years ago as ancient rocks underneath the surface, from back then, are still magnetized.  But a question that still remains: are changes in climate and the presence/absence of Mars’ magnetic field linked? “How long a planet had a global magnetic field tells us about the history and composition of the planet,” says Catherine Johnson, lead author of the paper appearing in Nature Geoscience. While InSight is still working, researchers are hoping to continue their research, particularly in looking deep beneath the Martian surface.  Discover More With Apex Magnets Today We are constantly on the lookout for new magnet discoveries. For more fresh and interesting content,  browse our blog today.