Samarium-cobalt magnets, also known as SmCo magnets, are an alloy made of two basic elements: samarium and cobalt. SmCo magnets are a type of permanent and rare earth magnet that is available in a wide range of sizes, shapes, etc. They are similar in strength to neodymium earth magnets, but they have additional properties that make them advantageous, such as high heat resistance. Due to their benefits, samarium cobalt magnets have increased in popularity tremendously. In fact, the samarium-cobalt magnet industry reached a value of $498 million in 2019, with China accounting for 71% of total consumption. Properties of Samarium-Cobalt Magnets There are many benefits to samarium-cobalt magnets that make them ideal for industrial applications. These benefits have contributed to the increased popularity in SmCo magnets. In fact, samarium-cobalt magnets can be more suitable than neodymium magnets in certain situations.  Samarium-Cobalt magnet benefits: 
  • High heat resistance (up to 300°C)
  • Resistance to low temperatures (below absolute zero, -273°C)
  • Price sensitive to market 
  • High corrosion resistance
  • High resistance to demagnetization
  • High magnetic strength 
Despite their multiple benefits, there are a few things you should keep in mind when considering samarium-cobalt magnets for your business applications. SmCo magnets can be brittle and work best in applications where direct impact is not required. These magnets are price sensitive to the market, but they are generally more expensive than some neodymium magnets. This is largely due to the cost of producing cobalt and the large majority of magnets being produced overseas.  Application of Samarium-Cobalt Magnets Due to the advantageous properties of samarium-cobalt magnets, these magnets have a wide-range of industrial applications. SmCo magnets are often used in applications where magnetic strength and stability are critical in high temperatures. Some examples of industrial uses of samarium-cobalt magnets include: … and much more!  Purchase Samarium-Cobalt Magnets with Apex Magnets Are you interested in purchasing samarium-cobalt magnets for your business? At Apex Magnets we offer samarium-cobalt magnets in various sizes and shapes, such as dic, bar, cube, cylinders, and much more! We also offer custom samarium-cobalt magnets — just fill out this form and we will give you a quote for FREE within 1-2 business days.  Whether you know the type of magnet you need or are unsure, we are here to help! Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions about samarium-cobalt magnets and any other type of magnet. Feel free to contact us at 1.304.257.1193 or send us a message today!