In a recent breakthrough at the National University of Singapore (NUS), scientists have discovered a new way to grow cell-based meat by treating animal cells with magnetic pulses. Intended to reduce the world’s dependence on animal products, this revolutionary technique offers a cleaner, greener, and safer alternative to methods currently being utilized. A few advantages of cultured meat include reducing our carbon footprint, decreasing the risk of animal-transmitted diseases, and eliminating our reliance on antibiotics often used in industrial farming practices.  While the concept of cultured meat is not new, the methods of creating it are. Although scientists have made great strides in this unique endeavor, current methods of production remain reliant on the utilization of other animal products, henceforth, leaving little room for celebration from an environmental standpoint.

What Is Cultivated Cell-Based Meat?

One current method of cultivating cell-based meat is to inject animal cells with a specialized animal serum. (Technology Networks). These injections stimulate growth; however, many people consider them cruell. Additional methods for cell-growth production include genetic engineering and drugs. Given the complex circumstances surrounding cultivated cell-based meat production, the financial expenditure remains a significant concern and frequently outweighs the benefits.

The Future of Cell-Based Meat Is Here

In an effort to mitigate many of the issues that come with cultivating cell-based meat efficiently, Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregón and his team of researchers from the NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology and the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine are leading the way toward a new method using pulsating magnets. This technology, which could be considered unconventional for the field of study, utilizes pulsed magnetic fields to effectively culture myogenic stem cells.  After short-term exposure tests of 10 minutes or less, the results revealed that not only were initial trials successful, but the cells were actually producing regenerative, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties (Technology Networks). Obregón says, “The muscle knows how to produce what it needs to grow and develop — it simply needs a little bit of encouragement when it is outside its owner. This is what our magnetic fields can provide.” In addition to their application in cultivated cell-based meat production, researchers are hopeful that the secretomes developed utilizing this method can also be harnessed for use in regenerative medicine as well.

Unlock The Mysteries Of Magnets With Apex Magnets

As our world continues to advance and develop at an almost dizzying pace, magnetic applications are appearing at the center of many scientific breakthroughs once thought to be impossible. From cultivated cell-based meat to the creation of a portable MRI unit capable of reaching patients in remote areas, magnetic exploration is just the beginning.  While you may not be using magnets to make history, their usefulness in your everyday life is vast! Get the latest DIY magnet projects, learn about magnetic discoveries on the horizon, or simply find a better solution for organizing your closet at our blog. And remember, you can always ask a magnetic expert for assistance when you contact us with questions or inquiries.